Google+三人写真展 2015 / Three Photographers Emerge 2015
Google+は、未来ある写真家が集まる場所としてIsland Galleryが注目しているSNSです。今年で3回目を迎え、各界から注目を集めています。未来のスター写真家三人にスポットを当て、彼らが日々撮りためた写真から、それぞれ15点ほどをセレクトし展示販売いたします。
Google+三人写真展 2015 / Three Photographers Emerge 2015
会 期 8月21日[金]~30日[日] Open 11:00-19:00
会 場 Island Gallery
東京都中央区京橋1-5-5 B1 tel / 03-3517-2125
入場無料 会期中無休
協 賛 マルマン株式会社 Canson Infinity
オープニングレセプション&YouTube Live Talk
8月21日[金] 参加自由
19時~YouTube Live Talk飲み物や自慢の一品の持ち寄り大歓迎です。
Island Galleryの女性スタッフ三人と、今回の写真家 宮崎真梨恵さん、そして石川明宏さんも浴衣です。もちろん普段着でもオッケーです。お気軽にお越し下さい。
+Akihiro Ishikawa / 石川明宏
グラフィック・デザイナー, 写真家。レコード会社内で17年間、音楽のグラフィック・デザイン(CDジャケット, 広告, ポスター, 販促物全般)の制作を担当。そして2010年、明治大学専門職大学院に於いてMBA(経営管理修士)を取得。以後、フリーランスのクリエイターとして活動中。グラフィック・デザインに携わりながら、2012年より、東京スカイツリーを共通項にした東京の風景を撮影開始。SNS“Google+”で、写真作品を継続的に発表している。2014年10月~12月に墨田区で開催された写真展『すみだ・とうきょう物語』は、来場者数1400人を突破。2015年5月、東京ソラマチにて、写真展『すみだ・とうきょう物語 -特別編-』を開催。写真集『すみだ・とうきょう物語』が発売中。
He worked for 17 years for a record company as graphic designer where he designed the cover art for CDs, advertisements, posters and promotional items in general. In 2010 he took the Master of Business Administration (MBA) at Meiji University Graduate School of Business Administration. Since then he’s been working as a freelance creator specialized in graphic design. In 2012 he started taking pictures of cityscapes of Tokyo featuring TOKYO SKYTREE and sharing his works regularly on Google+.
In 2014 his photo exhibition “Sumida Tokyo Stories” in Sumida, Tokyo attracted more than 1,400 visitors. After that, the photo exhibition “Sumida Tokyo Stories (Special Edition)” was held at Tokyo Soramachi in May 2015. His photo book “Sumida Tokyo Stories” is now on sale.
+GiovanniPiliarvu / Giovanni Piliarvu
Giovanni was born in Sardinia, Italy, in 1978. His first contact with a camera was thanks to his uncle who had a photography shop in Giovanni’s hometown of Sassari. Rolls of film were always around the house so he took advantage by loading them in his mother’s Minolta at an early age. He began traveling to experience the world outside of Sardinia. During this time he took a break from photography to express his art via other outlets like music and live performances. Giovanni returned to photography during the digital era. Since then he has shown a passion for capturing majestic landscapes, photographing the emotions of festivals, and making portraits.
Official Site / giovannipiliarvu.com
+Marie Miyazaki / 宮崎真梨恵
1984年生まれ。東京都在住。生まれ育った三重県松阪市を離れて以来、東京、北海道、ふたたび東京へと住居を移してきた。北海道在住時、祖父の遺品であったNikon D200を受け取る。農業を営みながら、一人こそこそと写真撮影をしていた祖父。せっかくだからこの写真機を北海道に連れていこう、と考え引き取る。引き取ったはいいものの、使い方が分からない。ほぼ箪笥の肥やしとなっていたが、2012年秋、熊出没関連のニュースで近所の円山公園について知る。興味を惹かれ、初めて円山公園に。そこで目にした紅葉の美しさに息をのむ。祖父の設定のまま、夢中でシャッターを切ってみる。
Born in Matsusaka, Mie in 1984. After leaving Mie, she moved to Tokyo, then to Hokkaido, and returned to Tokyo where she currently lives. Her journey with photography started when she received her late grandfather’s Nikon D200 as a keepsake. A farmer by trade, her grandfather loved photography and traveling with his camera. Fond memories of her grandfather busily snapping away photos inspired her to take the camera along on her journey to Hokkaido.
Unfortunately, she found that she did not inherit her grandfather’s natural aptitude for photography, and the camera spent most of its time on the shelf. Then one autumn day in 2012, while watching TV news coverage about bear sightings, she learned of Maruyama Park, not far from her home. Fascinated, she went to the park with her camera, where she was greeted by the magnificent autumn colors. Captivated by the breathtaking beauty, she found herself working the shutter again and again. The D200 was still set from her grandfather’s final photograph. She didn’t realize the settings were not ideal for the situation, but that didn’t matter to her.
Beautiful! There are birds! There are squirrels and chipmunks! I want to share this with my family…
And so, her relationship with photography began, together with her passion for finding and capturing the unforgettable moments in her everyday life.